web site and virtual machines

from 2024-12-04
by hexeaktivitat

wow I have modified a design into something I vaguely actually like, amazing. definitely super original.

chiyodo momo is using a laptop

random interest in building a virtual machine resurfaced and I am considering if a CHIP-8 VM is something I should consider making or if I should skip the "try to be a Real Computer but Virtually" process and just make some unhinged monstrosity again like the Ferry VM. which I still cannot believe works when I do things like "push an entire array onto the stack since the stack isn't a real stack but a fake stack of arbitrarily sized objects living on the heap" (it does not run very well, but it is a distinct improvement than the tree-walk interpreter, and I was not about to learn addressing when I could make it work instead)

a fantasy console sounds kinda neat and would be a useful thing to make in a VM mood, but I expect I should probably either buckle down with bevy (which feels overengineered for my use cases) or learn godot. although I think Actual Design Iteration is the thing I need to address more than anything, but a less stressful interaction with creation through the magic of Visual Editor that Godot offers might be a good thing, I guess.